Why Companies Fail In Their Digital Transformation Journeys?

Date: 02-Aug-2018

Intranet solution

Every company is leveraging some or other form of digital transformation, but the reason why many digital transformations are failing is that people do not understand why the organization needs to change in the first place. It is important that the companies understand the HWW(How, When and Why) of why they need to be a part of the digital transformation wave.

Here are 3 reasons why companies fail in their digital transformation journey:

1. Constricted with Technology

We are confined to the problems we face with technology and every time we make a change in one part of our strategy or detail, we need to update the entire process. It is this constant update that companies wish to avoid because they can’t have someone updating their platforms regularly. A constant update to mobile applications is not what we are referring to.

2. Plan for Requirements

It is always important that you plan for the way ahead and not for the current scenario. Failing to plan carries the opportunity cost of delayed or abandoned projects, which translates to lost customer sales while giving your competitors time to get ahead.

Define your project requirements, customer journeys, and flows. Understand and anticipate necessary integrations. These details should be nailed down before you start to build to avoid mid-implementation changes and issues that can derail your effort.

3. What does the customer want

Whenever you plan a strategy always put your end user at the focus of your plans. It is your user that needs to get the correct vibe about what you plan for them. In case, your strategy outlines the basics but doesn’t focus on your users then your plan has been doomed even before it started.

It is important that your idea revolves around what will truly fill a need, delight, and support a customer along the buyer journey. Use both quantitative and qualitative methods to formulate and validate your hypothesis. Some of the things that you can put into perspective before planning a strategy are listed below:

  • Analytics
  • Customer surveys
  • Customer journeys
  • Proof of concept before a larger roll-out

With these ideas, you can definitely get a better digital transformation journey than others.


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