Intranet Blogs

Know How Employee Value Proposition is proportional to Talent Experience Value Proposition
Feb 21, 2019
3:18 am

Employee Value Proposition aka EVP is a set of values that are offered to the employees by their employers. They are often used to attract new hires and also help to engage and retain existing employees. It is basically the total package that employee gets in return for the time and effort invested in their performance at the workplace. It is important to stress that it’s more than just a simple addition of compensation and benefits. A great EVP is actually a balance of tangible and intangible rewards like flexible working hours, comfortable company culture, and meaningful projects to work upon. EVP is the essence of the company Know How Employee Value Proposition is proportional to Talent Experience Value Proposition

Feb 20, 2019
8:05 am

Hacker Proof In all fields ranging from banking and secure communication to health care and ride-sharing, blockchain has a huge impact on the future of the market. Blockchain is the backbone of a new type of internet which allows digital information to be distributed not copied. This technology enables distributed storage that holds immutable data in a secure and encrypted form that cannot be altered. We cannot understate the impact of Blockchain as it is similar to all other future technologies. This kind of setup has obvious benefits. The records are public and easily verifiable so hackers can’t corrupt the How Blockchain Will Modify the Way We Live and Work

7:00 am

The way we communicate and organize our lives has changed drastically in the past couple of years. People are cruising on seamless platforms, hopping between apps to suit a particular need and provide relevant information. The world of work and designing of employee experience of the future is directly impacted by political, economic, societal, and particular technological trends. Market leaders and organizations are shifting to keeping their promises irrespective of their customer interaction and experience. This is in support of the fact that employee experience will mirror customer experience so taking care of your employees is essential to make sure your clients are being Designing Employee Experience 2025: What You Need To Know About Digital Future

12:01 am

Leaders, Management, and Employees; why is Emotional Connect Important between them Good leaders are those people who have a clear vision and who can plan strategies to accomplish the goals to achieve that vision. Leaders or Managers display their skills while working in a team and hopefully, their team is appreciative of all those skills. But that is not enough because even if you are highly trained and proficient in professional skills, the success of your team is dependent on how well your work with others. Emotional Intelligence is a key to successful leadership and management. As you go up Developing logical and emotional connect

Feb 19, 2019
9:22 am

The labor pool is made up of as many as five generations with disparate demands and ever-declining levels of engagement. Companies are making more innovative efforts to meet the varied employee needs and expectations to communicate effectively and attract, retain, and engage good employees. Gen Z is still at the beginning of professional careers whereas the millennial crowd is already part of the working world. Both are colliding in the mode of working and are creating new demands. Technology and economic factors have disrupted many things and one of them is the workforce ambience. Companies in the United States even declared the The Difference of Productivity Between Gen Z and Millennial
