Intranet Blogs

Jul 12, 2019
10:10 am

Microlearning has grabbed the attention of organizations and employees alike. It provides various benefits which has made it a favoured option among eLearning developers as well as learners. a) Cost Effective: The micro-learning requires less time and resources for preparation and delivery which decreases the length of the development cycle and production cost goes down. It is also easier to update a single module as it does not affect the other modules due to its modular design. Regarding the learning procedures, microlearning is suitable for many stages from pre-training and during-training to reinforcement. It can’t help but say that micro-learning delivers 5 Benefits Of Micro-Learning That Organizations Can’t Ignore

Jul 11, 2019
6:18 pm

It is necessary that the microlearning modules have to be delivered in the right way to make an impact on the blended learning strategy. microlearning is one of the best training strategies for employees because it delivers learning to them when and where they want it and these short bursts of information can be accessed by learners at their convenience. However, how is Micro-Learning deployment achieved to ensure that it reaches learners? Microlearning modules are used to deliver the latest information and updates quickly and easily when information is updated and improved. These updates can be sent out through social 3 Savvy Ways For Micro-Learning Deployment In Blended Learning

Jul 10, 2019
5:28 pm

Adoption of Micro-learning will be the best technique used in organizations for corporate training as it brings desired results and improves productivity. Micro-learning can also strategize online training programs for organizations. Training used to take place in a traditional way which is more rigid and challenging for a variety of learners to connect with. This affects retention, which is an important issue that many organizations face.  In today’s world, many organizations are shifting gears again to accommodate a growing employee population of young workers who prefer to absorb training concepts in micro-learning modules. The future employees will consume micro content The Future Of Microlearning

Jul 9, 2019
6:19 pm

Regardless of company size, whether big enterprise or small, Micro-learning has been proven to increase security awareness and retention. Being the victim of a cyberattack is a real, potentially devastating threat and thus it has never been more important to arm employees with proper security education and training. Businesses cannot blame their employees for a breach if they didn’t prepare them for the possible threats properly as it’s common to view employees as the weakest link in an organization’s security defense. So this raises the question of how can you properly prepare employees. Discussing the best practices of cybersecurity in Train Your Employees To Be Cyber Aware With Micro-Learning

Jul 8, 2019
11:01 am

Microlearning is a rapidly emerging trend in the corporate learning space. Though this learning strategy has been around for a long time, the advancement of mobile technology and the rise of mobile learning have fueled its rise to the place of Learning & Development in the recent past. Every year as microlearning becomes more universal, new trends and opportunities emerge for global organizations to leverage. Let’s explore the top trends we can expect today about microlearning. Microlearning and Increased Focus on Mobile Learning: Microlearning adoption exists in three key industries- retail, finance, and manufacturing. As per the study by the 6 Microlearning Trends For Every Training Manager Should Know!
