Intranet Blogs

Oct 17, 2023
4:43 am

No, having an intranet with everything but the kitchen sink won’t help your internal communications team. A purpose-built and custom intranet is a better solution for streamlining processes and making relevant information easier to find. It’s important to identify what you need from an intranet before building it so that employees have exactly what they need without any extra baggage weighing them down. Here are some critical questions to ask to discover and explain your team’s needs: We’ll go over each bullet point in turn, beginning with why custom-built sites may seem fantastic, but they’re not always. Custom-built intranets lack Why Does a Personalized Intranet Enhance the Employee Experience?

Oct 16, 2023
4:29 am

In the past few years, intranet technology has taken off! Companies are discovering all the amazing benefits it offers – from increased efficiency to more collaboration. The features of modern intranets make work easier and help businesses grow like never before. And things are only getting better in 2023, with even more advancements set to revolutionize how we do business. Get ready for a world where everything is faster and simpler! Here are our predictions for intranet feature trends in the coming year 2023: 1. Intranet and Digital Workplace The digital workplace is a booming trend and its popularity is 10 Intranet Trends to Watch in 2023

Oct 14, 2023
4:45 am

Expecting that a company intranet will improve morale and productivity? You shouldn’t ignore the possibility that this tool could have the opposite of its desired impact. Is there any proof that using an intranet tool increases engagement in the workplace? There are times when we realize that no workable answers exist for a particularly difficult problem. We seek comfort in platitudes and dubious sources that give us the answers we’re looking for. It is in our human nature to prefer simple and direct answers. Consider the case of disinterested employees. Every manager and leader has wondered how they can increase Will Implementing an Intranet Improve Morale and Productivity?

Oct 13, 2023
6:29 am

“Workplace commutes are shorter and more flexible thanks to Wi-Fi and other forms of remote communication. Now more than ever, employees have the option of working from home, relieving them from the confines of the cubicle.” 8 Factors that Make Remote Work Still Impactful 1. Work-life Stability is Improved by Remote Work. Better work-life balance is one of the primary benefits of remote-friendly work. This affords them the freedom to set their own schedules, allowing them to strike a better work-life balance. People can do their jobs anywhere they have internet access, be it their own home, a coworking space, 8 Reasons Why Work From Home is Helpful in 2023

Oct 12, 2023
6:01 am

Low engagement among staff members is a major problem for any organization since negative attitudes and outlooks can quickly spread like wildfire. It’s essential to identify when someone is losing motivation early on so issues can be addressed and misunderstandings cleared up. To help managers in this process, here are 7 warning signs that point to decreasing employee engagement. 1. Declining Quality Of Work When employee performance starts to slip, it can be a sign of decreasing engagement and disinterest in the job. Rather than punishing or reprimanding them, try having an honest conversation with them about what’s causing their 7 Signs of Low Employee Engagement
