Intranet Blogs

Sep 23, 2019
6:58 pm

How does SMEs sustain employee engagement through growth? What HR essentials you need to meet to stay on in the business? Hence, how will a small business unit sustain employee engagement through growth? Listed below are the HR software essentials a business needs to focus on to maximize their employee engagement and hence boost their growth. 1. Employee Learning Employees are one of the most vital and biggest asset of business’s and thus important for business growth. Leaders, who understand their team members’ strengths and weaknesses are always able to attain the targeted goals, maximize collaboration and team work and consequently improve the productivity. HR vital role Sustaining Employee Engagement via SME Growth

Sep 17, 2019
5:15 am

Do you agree? Is your workplace looking different than before? Let’s bite the bullet; the modern DIGITAL WORKPLACE looks poles apart. One thing is firm: technology is going to keep on making waves, changing work environment for us all and still there are some trends that are going to make a big impact on your office today. The digital workplace describes how technology is gradually creating a virtual equivalent environment of the physical workplace, and how this trend permits businesses to rethink traditional processes in increasing efficiency. Are you geared up? Check out these five trends that are making their way into workplaces Modern Digital Workplace is currently making Waves in your Office…

Sep 13, 2019
5:19 pm

Your people can be one of your Greatest Asset – but it all depends on how you actually treat them! Miserable and Unhappy employees can cost companies billions of money every year in form of lost revenues, adjustments and other compensations. One such research conducted by Gallup states that disengaged employees cost companies a bomb; almost $450-to-$550 billion is lost productivity each year due to poor performance and elevated absenteeism. There are a few companies’ that still appreciate micromanagement. Here it is witnessed that few of the most loyal dignified employees become so disengaged towards the end that their pay Turn your Employees into Assets

Aug 6, 2019
5:31 pm

A bank social intranet is an efficient software, which helps bank employees to collaborate, engage and communicate in a better way, promoting your bank culture and values along the way. It also gives your employees the tools they need to perform their jobs effectively. “By providing modern productivity solutions banks can build the necessary cultural foundations to speed up vision, break silos that exist within the organization and foster improved cross-functional collaboration with a clear focus on the customer,” says Josh Rice, general manager, modern workplace at Microsoft. “These modern workplace tools bring intelligence and automation capabilities that enhance bankers’ Banks Intranet Software that will deliver value to your business

Jul 13, 2019
9:27 am

It is important to understand having a growth mindset of employees and engaging in lifelong learning. The essential habits to foster at a cultural level should be maximized to increase customer experience. Having the chance to develop personally is one of the top five things that employees of all age groups value most in life and we also know that learning is a key driver of workplace happiness and employee engagement. It shows that employees want the opportunity to keep on learning and challenging themselves, especially when it means they can learn new skills that benefit them personally and professionally. Micro-Learning: The Key To Employee Engagement?
