Internal Communication

Explore Creative Social Intranet

So what’s the one way that can boost your employee engagement?

How to Encourage Employee Participation on Your Social Intranet?

In the digital age, a social intranet is essential for enhancing internal communication, fostering collaboration, and building a vibrant company culture. However, the success of a social intranet largely depends on active employee participation. Even the most advanced intranet can fail to deliver its full potential without engagement. This blog will explore strategies to encourage employee participation and highlight unique features like gamification and quizzes that can boost engagement. Understanding Employee Participation Employee participation on a social intranet involves active engagement in activities such as posting updates, sharing ideas, collaborating on projects, and utilizing available resources. Active participation fosters a How to Encourage Employee Participation on Your Social Intranet?

Internal Communications

An Internal Communication Strategy that Will Give Results

In today’s dynamic and scattered work environment, achieving business goals relies heavily on an effective internal communication strategy. This goes beyond simply crafting the right message or picking the best communication channel. It’s about crafting a compelling story that unifies everyone in your organization, from leadership to frontline employees. This blog will guide you through developing a successful internal communication strategy and identify key areas to monitor for ongoing improvement. Why do Companies need an Internal Communication Tool? Companies need internal communication tools for several reasons: 1. Improved Communication & Collaboration: These apps break down silos between departments, fostering faster An Internal Communication Strategy that Will Give Results

Essential Intranet Features

Key Intranet Features: Users Can Pick

For businesses looking to better streamline their business processes, there is no better option than the social intranet. What is an intranet? An intranet not only allows employees to work from remote locations without issue but it can be used as a conduit for various business tasks … such as internal communication, document management, team collaboration tools, and content production, among other needs. When you’re considering what potential solution will suit your needs best when you look at features- remember that it should make sense in terms of who you are and what your company stands for. With so many Key Intranet Features: Users Can Pick

Improve Internal Communication

Tips to Improve Internal Communication

There are several strategies to improve workplace communication, many of which may be accomplished with internal communications software: Maintain Frequent Contact With Staff Checking in with staff is an excellent technique to ensure efficient communication. Schedule in-person or virtual sessions every few weeks or months. Discuss initiatives, leadership comments, and future proposals. You will increase workplace communication by appreciating and listening to your employees. Create a Strategy for New Employee Onboarding It might be challenging for new employees to learn the ropes on the job. Your intranet is the ideal location for creating a standardized employee training program that every Tips to Improve Internal Communication

Elevate Internal Communications With Intranet News

Give your employees the knowledge and brace to effectively do their jobs with efficient internal communications. Keep employees and subordinates up-to-date and informed of the plans and activities of your company by sharing news, articles, and announcements. Headline News and Announcements News and Announcements can be shared and made visible on the intranet dashboard with their headlines. Both are permission-based and are displayed in different locations on the intranet. News can be created with inbuilt HTML editors, and images, external links, and HTML can be added. Employees can like, comment and subscribe to news articles. News channel and structure Creative Elevate Internal Communications With Intranet News