Company Intranet

Women in Tech – Time to Lead the Way !

It is hard to escape the fact that several technical means have certainly led to the success, growth, and development of a business organization. By taking a clear transition from traditional to digital means, one ensures to have a huge market share in quick time and growth continues to a very great extent. Since new and improved technical implications have been adopted by both large and small-scale industries, jobs in the tech field have also been created at a fast pace. As a result of which, not just tech-savvy males keep their first foot towards the same, but more and Women in Tech – Time to Lead the Way !

The Role of Tech in Enhanced Employee Experience

The onset of Technology There was a time when manual intervention was all that was required for the smooth functioning of any business activity. However, with the passage of time, the much talked about the technological revolution has led to technology supporting human resources in order to achieve organizational objectives. Introduction of tech support in firms, be it a small, medium or large scaled ones has added to a good amount of ease and comfort to people’s work lives. We have reached an age, wherein a deep and inseparable relationship has taken birth between human resources on one hand and The Role of Tech in Enhanced Employee Experience

The Future of HR Platforms in India – Business Perspective

Human Resource is surely to be the most important part of a business that results in managing employee’s data, hire a more talented workforce and nourishes the overall framework of the company. No matter, what the size and scope of your business organization are, the HR department will be at the mainstream of operations to streamline information of every single member of the company. The Increasing HR Emphasis over Tech-Driven System With the current ecosystem of business scenario largely depends upon software initiation inside, the HR department is also driving towards the means of getting technical. Mainly to bring administrative The Future of HR Platforms in India – Business Perspective

HR trends for 2018

The year 2018 has increasingly complex challenges for HR and for other professionals. Artificial intelligence has introduced intellectual technology into enterprises. Such systems can communicate and collaborate with humans, learn with each interaction, follow, learn and develop through experience. These systems are catered images, photos, data, videos, text, and more—information with which they can develop their digital intelligence. These systems perceive, reason, learn and interact. How should HR act in the face of such advances? HR professionals must be prepared and ready to: Forecast the skills that the market needs for the next few years Define the new skills for HR trends for 2018

Social Media, Tech, Digital Impacts on Workplaces

What effect is social media, mobile, and tech having on the workplace? From remote working and cloud computing to artificial intelligence and automation, how people interact with their colleagues and clients is changing. Over most people’s careers, they now spend more than a third of their waking hours at work. Estimates have the average person spending more than 90,000 hours at work over their lifetime, which is a huge proportion of one’s life. Statistics such as this show that the way in which people work is ever more important. It affects happiness, health, and prosperity. The way people work is Social Media, Tech, Digital Impacts on Workplaces

Step into the future with Creative Social Intranet! Play a virtual Holi on our Intranet server and witness the amazing power of technology. Although nothing can replace the joy of celebrating festivals in person, with some motivation and creativity, Creative Social Intranet can help you stay connected and celebrate Holi virtually with your co-workers, friends, and family. So, let’s bring the fun and festivities this Holi, despite the distance!