Employee intranet portal

Developing logical and emotional connect

Leaders, Management, and Employees; why is Emotional Connect Important between them Good leaders are those people who have a clear vision and who can plan strategies to accomplish the goals to achieve that vision. Leaders or Managers display their skills while working in a team and hopefully, their team is appreciative of all those skills. But that is not enough because even if you are highly trained and proficient in professional skills, the success of your team is dependent on how well your work with others. Emotional Intelligence is a key to successful leadership and management. As you go up Developing logical and emotional connect

Delivering a Connected Employee Experience

At the end of the day, Employee experience is of extreme importance for the organization’s success. According to a survey conducted by The Future Workplace, the majority of employers (83%) said the employee experience is important or very important for organizational success. Yet, many companies do not spend dedicated time or resources making sure their employee experience is well-designed and aligned with company culture. You would hear companies and HR talk about employee engagement at multiple forums and in-office discussions, but the fact remains that there are very few that are able to deliver a connected employee experience that enriches them and in turn, makes them feel valued. Here Delivering a Connected Employee Experience

Out Thinking Workforce Experience – A Practical Take

The business landscape is constantly evolving and we may see a change in the coming years. Every business works on a diversified approach and if we are able to manage that effectively we can create innovation as well as serve our customers effectively and gain a competitive advantage. If a company plans on bringing this change then the same needs to start from the senior management. It might sound challenging, but many leading researchers and social scientists have proven a link between diversity and productivity. Here are 3 tips through which businesses can provide an amazing experience at their workplace: 1. Out Thinking Workforce Experience – A Practical Take

Flourishing in today’s ever-changing economy requires giving your business every advantage. The materials and services that come through your supply chain are just as valuable as those you provide to customers, so it is important to have a well-organized system for managing vendor relationships. Depending on the size of your company, you may be dealing with several to hundreds of vendors – each with different contracts and prices.
Motivating employees is essential for any business to succeed, but it can be a tricky task. Performance-based incentives such as bonuses based on individual appraisals and organization-wide rewards like profit-sharing or shares in ownership are popular approaches, yet they can sometimes backfire. There’s still much to learn about how these incentive pay schemes affect employee morale, so further research is needed.
To succeed in today’s ever-changing economy, your business needs to take advantage of every opportunity. Your incoming supply chain is just as valuable as what you deliver to customers and clients, so having an efficient strategy for managing vendors is crucial. Vendor management can be a complex task that involves getting the best value, building strong relationships, and achieving both short-term and long-term goals. Depending on the size of your business, your purchasing department may need to manage a few or hundreds of vendors, each with its own agreements and prices. It may seem daunting, but by taking careful planning and thought into account, you can create a successful vendor management system.