What customization options are offered by Creative Social Intranet?

What customization options are offered by Creative Social Intranet?

Yes, Creative Social Intranet offers a range of customization options to help you adapt the platform to the specific needs and branding of your organization. Here are some of the customization options available:


You can customize the look and feel of the platform to match your organization’s branding, including the logo, color scheme, and fonts.


You can customize the navigation menu to include the specific features and sections that are relevant to your organization.


You can add or remove widgets on the homepage to display the information that is most important to your organization.


You can set permissions for different user groups to control access to specific features and sections of the platform.


Creative Social Intranet can be integrated with other tools and systems that your organization uses, such as HR software, project management tools, and more.

Overall, the Creative Social Intranet is highly customizable, allowing you to tailor the platform to meet the unique needs and branding of your organization.

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